ability to complete tasks in calendar
Steve Mussell
Dont you just love that tickability of tasks? those green ticks. OOOh! but there are none for tasks that have been made into time blocks. I am missing that "Task Completed" feeling! the red line just passes unemotionally past the task. No sense of completion! please allow a tick which when checked crosses out the "appointment" or greys it out or changes its colour or makes it disappear?
Dmitri Dorogov
Hey, I second the "completion tick" feeling. I noticed though that in the calendar view some tasks do get the green tick circle and some don't, even when they get ticked in the today view on the left. That really annoys me cuz I want to see consistency on the timeline. Am I missing something about the setup? Thanks
Travis Meyer
You can now complete a task from the calendar view. Hover over the task that's scheduled to your calendar, then press 'C'. The task will be completed, and the remaining scheduled time will be automatically removed.
Alex Cunningham
Steve Mussell Cool idea! To clarify, are you asking for the ability to "complete" a task or meeting's calendar event directly on the calendar?
Steve Mussell
Alex Cunningham: yeah!