Break down or split up large task/project into tasks across multiple days
Zane Mccaig
It would be awesome to be able to break down large projects over several days automatically, so I can see how many hours per day I need to spend on a project in order to complete it in time. For example, if I have a proposal for 50 hours of work over two months, it would help to spread this out over my work week — and get a warning if I procrastinate too long that time is running out to complete this project and I will need to delegate or defer things to be able to get it done.
Kevin Kirkpatrick
+1. Would love to have a an additional option next to the "convert to task" that allows you to split a task but keep it linked to the main/parent task, similar to how Objectives are shown in the task. Rough example below:
Sam Rae
See also this part of the documentation:
It has a section called "How to timebox a task multiple times and/or on multiple days". Not obvious at all, but very handy!
Brad Hawkins
Yes, this would be an extremely helpful feature. I think some other planners can do this. It would help with forward planning. It is almost a necessity for planning out larger, more complex projects and tasks.
Apparently there is a "work around" but that's exactly what it is, a work around. It's not a cohesive solution.
Being able to take either a master/parent plan and time block across multiple days would be ideal.
In a similar fashion, being able to take sub tasks of a parent task to place them across multiple days would also be ideal.
Please consider this one very soon.
Kevin Young
I definitely think breaking up tasking or adding a subtask to the calendar for time blocking would help. Using task as steps in a project.
Ferreira, Carolyn
Yes - interested in being able to easily continue to work on parts of something over multiple days and add time to it over multiple days
This feature actually exists but just buried deep and requires some manual labor (but it is possible).
- Add a task. Don't add the actual time you plan, but add a very short time (like 5min).
- Add it to calendar.
- Open the task page, scroll down to see the Google calendar property. Click on the date NOT THE EDIT BUTTON.
- Drag and drop the time you actually plan to do. It works across multiple days too.
- Don't hit done when you are done with a chunk. Just hit pause/stop.
Hope there can be a more intuitive way to do this.
Trang Khuat
Yuu: TYSM!!! I've been looking for this workaround!
Louis Isaac
YES! There is no way to break a single task up across multiple days, or to do any small scale project planning inside the app.
You can use Objectives, but those don't integrate with my main project management software (notion and trello) and you can't adequately track/edit time spent.
Neil B
Louis Isaac I had a similar idea that Objectives is the closest functionality to what I think needs to be achieved. I sent this feedback in:
There is a debate raging about auto-schedule vs the way Sunsama does it (I came from Skedpal). I think Sunsama has it right - I can invest in planning where I want to and the whole process does not fall over if I dont one day.
However one thing I think could be done is to provide some help to allow up to say three big projects to be broken into daily chunks. I see this working a bit like Objectives.
(and objectives would benefit from being easier to extend beyond a week - I think mine stay the same every week but I add some key words on what the focus will be).
Let me know if you want to discuss.