Change focus bar colour
Sophie Schafhauser
I would love it if there was an option to change the colour of the focus bar - I have all my apps in dark mode (including Sunsama) and I don't wanna change that, because it's easiest on my eyes, but unfortunately that does mean that the focus bar generally blends into the background of whatever programme i'm currently in. Therefore when I get distracted, it's not very effective in reminding me that I'm actually working on something because I will simply not notice it until I remember I was meant to be working on something and actively look for it. I would love to make it a bright colour, but even just switching it to white or light grey would help a lot.
happens the same to me ! Workaround: Change the theme to light so the focus bar popups better with the dark background, and when I have to use the Sunsama app, I change the theme back to dark with Shift+L