Completing a task should free up Calendar space
Claire McCrea
If I complete a task sooner than anticipated, my calendar should reflect an open space in the recently-completed task's space.
Right now, if I complete a task early or out of order from how I thought my day would flow, the calendar event for the task stays in place and I have to reschedule the task to match what occurred. This isn't ideal because I don't have a true view into how much free time I have in my day and if I might be able to fit more/fewer things in. I spend more time scheduling/rescheduling than I do setting up my day, and it takes me out of flow.
One option might be to convert the task to an all-day task instead of a specifically-scheduled task.
Ivan Shyika
Travis Meyer It would be great if these two features could each be toggled. I want to remove any remaining time for the task once I complete it but WITHOUT rescheduling tasks that come after it.
Alex Cunningham
Ivan Shyika: Thanks for this! Until we build a setting that specifically allows to you free up space without rescheduling, you should
undo after completing the task. That will undo the auto-rescheduling Sunsama does after a task is completed early.Ivan Shyika
Alex Cunningham: Understood. Thank you, Alex!
Travis Meyer
When you complete a task ahead of schedule, any remaining time you scheduled for the task on your calendar will be removed. Your remaining scheduled tasks for the day will be shifted forward to fill the newly available time.
Learn more in our auto-rescheduling announcement here:, or jump straight to the in-depth guide here:
Jack Mitchell
Travis Meyer: Rescheduling shouldn't be active during planning -- especially not moving later tasks earlier to fill in empty space. But really it probably shouldn't be active at all. When I'm planning, I place things in particular places in the day and don't want them to move back as I schedule the next task
Tim Jasper
@claire McCrea. Fantastic idea. It should also strikeout/tick/change colour of the task to show it as complete.
Olli Tiainen
Yes, I love this. Adjusting the calendar manually several times a day (as many as there are tasks) is the most time-consuming feature of Sunsama. This would make the experience much more frictionless.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Update task schedule on calendar when complete early
Jim Davies
It would be really useful if, when I complete a task that is scheduled on the calendar, the end time on the calendar event gets updated to the completion time of the task. For longer tasks that complete early, this would help to immediately visualize moving new tasks into the now available time slots.
Marc Najera
I'd love that. I always track time for every task, so when I'm done I'd like the calendar to reflect the actual time not the planned time (at least for tasks created in Sunsama)