User Story
As a Sunsama and Todoist user,
I would like the Todoist and Sunsama due date fields to be kept in sync
So that tasks are shown with the same deadlines, regardless of whether I'm viewing it in Sunsama or Todoist
I find Sunsama's sync behaviour of syncing the Sunsama's start date to Todoist's due date confusing.
I set the due date to indicate when a task must be done by (hard deadlines), not when I intend to work on (because I use a prioritised backlog for that).
Sunsama's current behaviour means my deadlines are being overwritten and lost when I import tasks. As a workaround, I'm having to type the actual deadline into the task title.
This is particularly confusing, as Sunsama has a due date field, so mapping Todoist due date to Sunsama start date is even more counter-intuitive.
I recognise that many people probably use Todoist due dates as if the were start dates to workaround Todoist' lack of start date.
So I'd like the ability to choose which Sunsama field is synced with the Todoist Due Date (and in the mean time, we can all pray that Todoist implements start dates)