Export Weekly Review
Avi Uddaraju
I would like to export my weekly planned work to the work actually finished as a message in a channel in salck or something else.
Boy Callaars
From Chris: "...a custom date filter, view all tasks. Filter by tag. That way it will replace my time tracking, which i have integrated in Asana (evehour)"
Boy Callaars
From Björn Hansell:
Allow export of CSV for multiple weeks instead of only one week.
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
There's now an "Export" button that will export
weekly review totals to CSV for anyone who wants to nerd out about their data in their own spreadsheets :)Lee Schneider
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: thanks!
Elaine Lehman
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: this is a useful feature but does not allow a view by day. There is a separate feature request that asks for this, but for anyone doing a timesheet, the hover tooltip in the overview chart is a pain. Easier to export to csv or even just an option to view the chart as a table
Jessica Robinson
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: Where is the export in the current version?
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Jessica Robinson: There's a download button:
David Ogundeko
This would be awesome actually. A possible outcome is to explore an integration with Atlassian Confluence. In the Hugo meeting app, I can export my meeting notes by creating it as a page in Confluence directly from Hugo. Really neat.
Lee Schneider
I do a screen capture and put it into Bear or Day One. I like the visual. But easy export would be great for time tracking for myself and for clients.