Global search
Shahar Har-Shuv
Isn't this what the jump bar is? (Ctrl+K)
Celeste Herron
I had 4 use cases for this feature in the last week and would appreciate it so much. :)
A Ball
Yes, please!! This seems like a basic feature. I am not advanced with integrations, so I working primarily from within Sunsama and I am very surpirsed that I cannot search tasks and events. Thank you for adding.
Diane Defores
Yes, and make it available from everywhere, not only inside Sunsama. The fact that I new to come back inside Sunsama to find and edit a created task, is such a big pain
Louis Isaac
This would be a massssssive time saver... Having to scroll through endless lists of Clickup tasks to plan my day/week is such a bummer