Improved Analytics and Data Insights
Alex Cunningham
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Be able to export completed time and worktask
Henri A. Tomic
allow csv/excel export of selected time frame, which can be used to report work hours and show progress e.g. over a month or quarter
Shahar Har-Shuv
I was also missing this! I was confused by how much of this Sunsama saves, but doesn't use long term (just per day)
Maya Scott-Lourenço
Huge +1. Recent user of Sunsama and I assumed this type of feature would have already been provided. At the minimum we should be able to download ALL of our data in 1 file instead of the weekly download option currently available.
Long term analytics are super helpful for me to understand where my time is going (e.g. increased time in meetings month to month, less time spent on X category, estimates for Y category are always half of the time it actually takes you to complete that task, etc.)
Tracy Vemulapalli
Show analytics for different time periods of my choosing (monthly, quarterly, yearly, and specific dates that don't align to a Mon-Sun week [e.g., length of college semester])
Alex Cunningham
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Better analytics options
Nicole Nadine
I would love it if I could see my analytics more than just for a week. Like for a specific month, project, or time period. It would be amazing to just have some better analytics features here! :)
Alex Cunningham
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Cristian Tabacitu
I second this! I love Sunsama to schedule stuff... but it's also important to audit, after the fact. To think about WHAT you've spent your time on. I've been using your analytics and weekly report too, and they are helpful.
But I don't do this audit weekly. I do it monthly or quarterly. So it's frustrating... I have to look through many weeks and manually add the data. Bleah!
Any chance you plan to do MONTHLY analytics too? Or to let me choose the timeframe?
Thank you for doing an awesome job, and considering this 🙏
Mat Longinow
This is a must! For such a well thought out and detailed application, I am surprised that this feature is so lacking.
I am coming from Timeular where their reporting and analytics is just top notch (see image). Would be nice to have something like that here.
Specifically being able to see stats more on channel basis, context basis, task basis and across custom time frames, with saved presets.
Alex Cunningham
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Gloria Liang
Hi! I love the Analytics. Anyway to make it monthly totals? That would be really great for payroll.
Bethany Henderson
Please! Even if I could just get the ability to get minutes spent daily instead of the weekly totals. Right now I'm having to hover over each of the bars to get those numbers from analytics!
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