Kanban/Project Style Backlog
in progress
Brian Sturgeon
Great to see this being prioritized. Would love to see this paired with more robust weekly & monthly objective planning.
Mike Heppner
Just adding I would love to see this! I know Sunsama isn't meant for long term planning, but the reality is I need both what Sunsama does and long term planning, but I can't afford to purchase two separate products. I would love for there to be some form of Backlog organization.
Amazing to see this feature move into active development! How long do you estimate a feature such as this to take?
Travis Meyer
in progress
Travis Meyer
Renato Duarte
I consider this feature extremely urgent. I am actually considering leaving Sunsama because of the lack of proper project management and long-term planning, forcing me to have additional tools and systems that just complicate the workflow. Also, I have discussed this possibility over 4 years ago and still no sign of it being implemented while many features whose usefulness (for me) is negligible keep popping up.
Shahar Har-Shuv
Isn't this an anti-pattern to Sunsama? They say in the docs that the backlog is deliberately simple because you're not supposed to use Sunsama for a backlog, but rather you should pick up a different tools for more long term project management. I actually like that philosophy because it lets Sunsama focus on one thing that it can do well. Complicating Sunsama / adding features that are not related to the main goal could make the app worse. Better focus on improving using experience and features that are directly related to what it was meant to do.
The should be a feature inside Sunsama to organize tasks into different time frames (this week, next week, the next two weeks, this month, next quarter, this year, etc).
Cannot wait to see this implemented.
Jacqueline Themel
Getting to define the swim lanes on the main board would be awesome too, so I can see tasks w/o dates when I want.
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