When I am looking at the list of Trello boards available to me, boards I have starred should be sorted to the top.
Repro steps:
Open the Trello pane.
Click the board title dropdown at the top of the column.
Current behavior:
I get a list of all boards of which I am a member, sorted alphabetically.
Desired behavior:
The boards that I have starred in Trello should be listed before the rest.
The board list right now is filled with a lot of boards that aren't relevant. I have to scroll or search to get to the one I want. This is particularly annoying because the vast majority of the time I will only want to get cards from a few boards.
There are a number of ways that this could be made better, but the easiest one is probably using the star feature built into Trello. I have more boards starred than I would interact with in Sunsama, but it would still greatly cut down on how far I had to scroll.
For super bonus points: Within Trello, it's possible to drag and drop starred boards in order to set a custom order. If the import respected my custom order, then I'd pretty much be guaranteed to have the most useful boards at the top, in an order I'm used to.
There's an endpoint to get the boardstars. Returned boards will have a
value indicating their custom sort order.