More repeated recurring tasks customizations
Bryan Huang
I'd like to have more customization for repeated tasks. (See Google Calendar for some of their options). This includes:
- # of times a task repeats
- Setting last date for when repeatshould end
Right now, we need to set the repeat, then navigate to the date we want the repeat to stop, then select "stop repeat". It'd be nice to do it all from the initial task setup.
Sam Gechter
Would like to be able to pause some or all recurring tasks, say for when going on vacation, or for stuff I regularly do with my kids, but they're at camp for a month.
Lynette Diaz
Ability to set an end date and edit all repeating tasks at once
Alex Cunningham
Lynette Diaz: Thanks Lynette! I'll pass these ideas along.
One way to "hack" the lack of end date is to go to a future date in your workspace, find that task, click into it, click "edit task series", and click "stop repeating". That will then become the last task of that task series.
Lynette Diaz
Alex Cunningham: Thanks for the tip!
Now we have Manage all recurring tasks screen - it would be great to add the ability to edit them from there. Currently only option is delete, meaning you have to remake it if you want to make any small changes
Jane Sagalovich
Stopping the repeat is what I'm here for! Use case: I'm preparing for a presentation and want to spend 2 hours each day on prep until x date.
Harrison Nelson
Yes we absolutely need this! Also, instead of every second or third or fourth week, you can make it a number option and then we can select every (number) weeks. ex. every 6 weeks
Mihai Seceleanu
yearly repeat is a must. I've just moved over from Todoist and consider creating a google calendar for those yearly tasks - insurance, taxes - just to make sure I don't forget about them until Sunsama implements this.
Mihai Seceleanu
Even more, yearly repeat should be an easy improvement to deploy, given the recurring options already present.
Marion Dutton
A yearly repeat is important. Things like taxes due etc. I have loads of annual tasks that need completing.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
More repeating task time options
Stella Yang
I'd like to schedule some things to repeat yearly, or bi-annually. I'd like to schedule some tasks every six weeks, etc.. It would be great if we could add more repeating task time options.
Brad Hawkins
Yes I have Yearly Tasks too (eg: Insurance Renewals, Smoke Alarm Batteries, Licence Renewals etc). This would be great if it could be added.
Kottke Sarah
I agree! I have a number of yearly tasks.
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