No way to edit routines
Joshua Little
There are no editing options for routines or repeat tasks; only "stop and delete." I ran into this when I noticed I had the wrong duration set for a repeat task. I went to try to edit, and the page only jumped to the next calendar hold. If I clicked to review/edit all my routines, the only options are to delete and stop it. It would be nice to edit routines directly in that window - change time/frequency, create quarterly rhythms, or repeat tasks but at different times, and edit the duration.
Joshua Little
Thanks, Alex, I see that, now. I still think it would make sense to be able to edit & manage repeat tasks within the "routines" window. I would also like to be able to end a repeat task after a certain number of instances. Thx
Alex Cunningham
Alex Cunningham
Hi Joshua Little, you can edit recurring tasks. Just edit one instance of the task series, then click "edit task series" then "update all incomplete instances". Future instances will reflect those changes (planned time, etc). You can also edit the repeat frequency or start time of recurring tasks via the same "edit task series" menu.