Option for ticking sound during task timer or pomodoro timer
Matthew Hickey
I’d love it if you could include a ticking clock sound when I hit play on a task.
There is something about that sound which is like a Pavlovian trigger to work for me.
Presently, I have to use another app to do it. It would be awesome if it would happen automatically in Sunsama.
Elizabeth Bruch
Yes, just adding to this request!
Jayse Hansen
YES - but more than this... The ticking sound should have an option to have it play every 5 minutes for a few seconds. This snaps you out of any distractions that have come up, and whips you back into focus. This way you can listen to your own music etc., and have the sound prompt you back to life if you go off track. At the last two minutes it goes off again to signal you're near the end of your predicted time. I've only seen two apps have this (of over 20+ different pomodoro and productivity apps I've tried) Yet, it is a MAJOR game changer that works amazingly well for us ADD types that need to get a lot done. Please add it. Would make Sunsama my ONE app, rather than having to keep the old app around just for that one feature.
Chelsea Nicole Hansen
Yes, Please please add this!! It would make such a huge difference for those with ADD, or really anyone that struggles with staying focused. The clock sound is the perfect subtle reminder that the Pomodoro is ending soon and to stay on task.