Support multiple slack channels for standups
Nick Ciske
We use 2 slack private channels- one for leadership and one for production (developers).
At present, the channel assignment for auto posting standups seems to be remembered for all users vs. per user -- so everyone has to keep changing it back and forth or manually post their standup to the correct channel.
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Each user can now pick the Slack channel of their choice, one teammate's setting will not impact other teammates!
Kevin Kirkpatrick
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: It would also be great if you could automatically assign each channel to a specific Slack thread and auto-post your standup to the appropriate thread. For example, if I have #marketing and #dev channels that map to the #marketing and #dev slack channels, split my daily tasks into two separate standups for each. Would be very valuable for people working across multiple teams (ex: product managers).
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Thanks Nick, we've got an open ticket to tackle this along with a number of urgent improvements to the Slack integration. We'll let y'all know once we're able to tackle this.