Creating a Task is just creating a TITLE and you can only check that one thing to be complete.
We should be able to create a task and hit enter to create a thing to do inside that task with a check to mark (an actual subtask but I will refer to it as a checklist) to mark as complete. These checklists should also be displayed on calendar and in daily planning (the checklist would not display on small screen sizes for readability).
This will users who need to remember multiple steps within a task what needs to be done. It also allows for clearer and more concise "Task Titles". Additionally it gives the ability to complete a task on the checklist without completing the whole task.
This could then allow the task to easily rollover to the next day while accounting for what was already done and what is left to do to complete the entire task.
The checklist items do not have the ability to be assigned time limits to avoid giving users an overwhelming amount of inputs to complete. The time assigned is the total time to complete the task. Perhaps daily and weekly review are able to account for partial time spent or the user can reduce the time left on the TASK when they mark a checklist item complete.