Timebox/Schedule Subtasks to Calendar
Jules Bermingham
I'd love to be able to break tasks down into subtasks that are in smaller time intervals for daily scheduling, and schedule subtasks for specific dates. For example, I have a task with a 3 hour total planned time, but each subtask is 30 min-1 hour and happen over the course of a week or 2. I would love to be able to auto schedule the subtasks themselves in 1 hour blocks, instead of a 3 hour block for the entire task. It would make scheduling tasks that require follow up much easier, while still allowing me to keep all relevant subtasks under the parent task from an organization/tracking standpoint.
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
ability to drag subtasks directly onto calendar
Michelle Zhang
wihtout having to convert to individual task first.
Alex Cunningham
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Add subtask to calendar
John Camacho
I should be able to add a main task's subtask to the calendar AND append the title of the main task as a suffix e.g.
Website for ABC
[] Collect content
If I add Collect Content to the calendar it should say "Collect Content < Website for ABC" to distinguish from other main tasks that might have subtasks with the same name. As it is there's no way for me to discern between which subtask is for which main task
Alex Cunningham
Merged in a post:
Place Subtasks onto Calendar
Ben Adelson
I'd like to be able to place my subtasks on the calendar instead of the hours long main task