Todoist Sync Automations
Charlotte Flatebo
I agree with Taylor for due dates. I don't want to change the final due date on Todoist as it is synced with my supervisor and he determines the actual due dates. But I need to be able to schedule them in Sunsama without modifying them.
Anne Baldwin
I really want to map todoist projects to sunsama channels so that when I drag a task over it's automatically categorized in sunsama. I also wish sunsama would remember planned time estimates for recurring todoist tasks I sync over every day. Like if I sync over a task to do the dishes every day, I want sunsama to remember it's 15 min every day. I could even get behind using todoist tags to mark how long it usually takes. Also with recurring tasks - if they auto-synced each day that would be nice to have.
Jude Cornish
+1 , this would really benefit my workflow!
Oleg Olhovsky
And automatically add tasks on Sunsama Tasks board, when due date set in Todoist.
Taylor F
For more context, when a Todoist task with a due date gets synced to Sunsama and added to specific date, the original due date is replaced with the Sunsama "Do date". I should be able to keep the due date so that I can separate when I plan on doing a task and when the task is actually due.