Toggl Track Integration
Alex Cunningham
The Toggl integration is now complete and no longer in beta. If you haven't already, go to Settings > Toggl and connect your account to send your Sunsama time tracking to Toggl!
Refer to our help center article if needed:
And reach out in support if you have any questions or issues.
Special thanks to everyone who tested and gave feedback and reported bugs. We're really excited about this integration.
Alex Cunningham
in progress
Excited to announce we've built a Toggl integration that is in self-opt-in beta!
Go to Settings > Beta to enable it, then Settings > Toggl to set it up.
Please write to us in support if you have questions, feedback, or encounter any issues with it.
And please check out this video for a brief overview of how to set it up and how it all works:
If you voted for this thread specifically for a Toggl Track browser extension, let me know and I will create a new Canny thread for that.
Anfernee Chansamooth
Just noticed there's already a request for this with 309 upvotes. Please upvote there -
Sebastian Huus
To add on this, a button to start and stop time tracking from inside Sunsama would be great. Less apps or websites required to be open most of the time.
I'd imagine these buttons would either follow the 'focus mode' when you start a task, or have a separate start button at the top of the task when you click on its details. Last option seems kind of clunky.
Alex Strick van Linschoten
Sebastian Huus: yes!