Track actual time separately from estimated time
Allen Vance
Happy yo see this (and use it) -- would love the ability to have reports showing times by channel and team member
Natalie Peled David
Thanks - this is exciting! One thing I noticed though was that I was unable to change the "actual" time for a meeting that was pulled in from calendar. e.g. the meeting was blocked as :30, but it ended up being 1 hour. I wanted to update the actual to 1 hr, but was unable to for some reason.
Travis Meyer
Natalie Peled David: Thanks for the feedback! You're definitely not alone in feeling this way - a number of people have already brought this up today. I'm going to take a look at adding support for this back in.
Jake Vogel
Travis Meyer: Couldn't agree more. Would still like the ability to add to my calendar and track the meeting that goes over or wraps up early.
Travis Meyer
Jake Vogel: Natalie Peled David it's now possible to adjust the actual time you spend on tasks linked to calendar events (and also to use the timer for those tasks). Thanks for your feedback on this!
Jake Vogel
Travis Meyer: Of course! Glad to help and love seeing the tool get better and more useful each time. Thanks for everything you do!
Travis Meyer
You can now track how long you planned to spend on a task vs how long you actually spent.
You can track how long you spent by either manually entering a time, or using a timer (which has been rebuilt and improved as well).
Thanks to everyone who requested this feature!
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
We're planning on doing a major overhaul of the task timer that will allow you to track estimates and actual time separately, set custom values for each, and start timers from the kanban. You'll even be able to start and stop your timer from the Sunsama mobile app!
More updates in the next few weeks! For now here's a little teaser!
Peter Jones
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: Weirdly excited for this!
John Kranz
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: Looks promising. Would it make sense that if actual time is greater than planned time, that it gets a red color. Otherwise, it's a green color if actual time is equal than or less than planned time?
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
John Kranz: Great thoughts, John. Right now, the green just indicates that the timer is running. We're not sure if we want to go down the path of making a judgement about "going over" with a red color. More often than not, work takes longer than we expect it to and that's not a bad thing, just a reality! The color red comes with a lot of emotional baggage. Perhaps, in the future we can think of other ways to indicate that you've exceeded your estimate.
John Kranz
Ashutosh Priyadarshy: makes perfect sense. Thanks for a great product and excellent UI design.
Sanshey Biswas
This would do miracles for making timesheets! Super curial if you work remotely.
Fiona Ramsey
Agreed. After I check a task as completed, I would like a popup that asks "Did this take 20 minutes?" (if it was set at 20) and 2 buttons, yes/no, and if I click no I want to be asked how long it took. I would like to be able to see at the end of the day and week and month, where I was underestimating - or overestimating - time needed.
Yash Tekriwal
Seconding 1) Actual time vs. estimated and 2) creating time spent reports based on weeks/months
Jim Washok
Benefit here is to be able to gauge one's ability to properly estimate the time tasks will take. Such improved ability is very helpful for delivering an exceptional project management experience for clients.
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Merged in a post:
Time tracking reports for billing
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
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