Travis Meyer
Quick update:
Tasks are now visually differentiated from other events in the calendar view.
Events that originated as tasks have a solid left border.
Fabio Bracht
Travis Meyer: Good stuff!
Zane Mccaig
Travis Meyer: Some feedback from Emory Sullivan is to have an option to add an option to visually distinguish this more as the current design is too subtle.
Travis Meyer
Tasks which have been scheduled to your calendar are now visually distinguished from other tasks with a splash of color in the top left of the task card.
Tasks which originated from your calendar (typically meetings) are visually differentiated with the Google Calendar / Outlook Calendar icon to the right of the checkbox.
Ryan Loeffler
Travis Meyer: Love it! I was planning my day today and I was like, WOW its so easy to tell now. One issue i noticed in the past though, was after "adding to calendar" for whatever reason the view jumps back to the top of my list, so then i need to scroll for days to get back where i left off. The colors help determine what was scheduled and what wasn't but it would be helpful to not have it jump back to the top of the list every time i Add to Calendar.
Tom Bar-gal
Travis Meyer:
Haven't tried it yet but I think this solution is kind of missing the point, on two accounts:
- Some events don't require a "done" button, they will be done regardless of what I do and I don't need to manually update it. Such events are meetings with other people, reminders about family members, etc...
- Adding more information on each event is making the app more difficult to use and creating a cognitive load.
If something is a task that originated from Google calendar it's one thing, but if something is an event set in the calendar which is not a task, it's clearer and less confusing to simply remove the "done" button.
Also I felt like this was missing mostly in the calendar view.
Travis Meyer
Ryan Loeffler: adding a task to your calendar shouldn't cause your task list to scroll. If you're able to reproduce this easily, would you mind making a screen recording and sending it to so we can figure out why this isn't working as intended for you?
Travis Meyer
Tom Bar-gal:
Re: Some events don't require a "done" button
Tasks that are imported from calendar events will autocomplete themselves once their scheduled time is over for the very reason you observed. We decided it's still worth leaving in the option to manually mark those tasks as complete in the event you finish them ahead of schedule.
Re: Adding more information on each event is making the app more difficult to use and creating a cognitive load
I'm not sure what you mean here. The only new information we've added to the task card is the colored background of the scheduled calendar time - that information was already present before on the task card, just without the colored background.
Agreed that this is still new information, but given the popularity of this feature request, we decided it was worth it to do so.
Re: I felt like this was missing mostly in the calendar view
I think you bring up a great point. This is something we will likely experiment with further. If we can find a solution that doesn't create extra cognitive load in the calendar view, we'll add this in a future release.
Thanks for the thoughtful response!
Tom Bar-gal
Travis Meyer:
Thanks for your answer 🙏
Full disclosure - I'm not using Sansama currently so my response is based on the reasoning I had for voting on this feature.
About the "done" button on events:
Personally for me, the concept of an "event" is something that doesn't require me to "remember to do". It does not take mental and emotional space.
A task on the other hand, is something that takes that space until it's complete. I want it to take that space so I will not forget it, even when it's written down.
Seeing check marks on events, triggers the same response as it does to tasks, making me feel as if it's something that needs to take up my mental capacity, so it's creating more cognitive and emotional burden. Basically it looks like I have more tasks ahead of me than I should.
Regarding the colors and calendar icon:
It's hard for me to tell because I haven't used it yet.
Thanks again for your answer and I really appreciate the level of community engagement.
Travis Meyer
Tom Bar-gal: thanks for clarifying - I understand what you mean now. I don't have an immediate improvement in mind, but you've given us some good perspective to meditate on. Thank you!
Ryan Loeffler
Travis Meyer: Just saw this message now, yes I will.
Yosef Yudilevich
getting confused which is task and which is event
Zane Mccaig
Merged in a post:
Calendar and Task feature
Ari Zecher
When I drag a task to the calendar change something about the visual of the task list to easily see what I have not assigned. An option would be to actually remove the task from the task list
Austen Allred
Would love to see what tasks I've already added to my calendar and which I haven't (by some indicator)
Barak Simon
Setting a specific color for all my Sunsama tasks that are shown in the GCal would be a great addition to help distinguish personal tasks from multi-member meetings.
Josh Rigstad
I'd add when planning the day denote which tasks I've dragged onto the calendar and which I haven't yet. Sometimes when I have lots of tasks I forget to schedule some.
Philippe Gassmann
This would be a very useful feature! For Outlook, each Sunsama task calendar entry should be set to a certain Outlook category (settable in Account Settings).
y b
In the meantime : creating a calendar with a specific colour, then setting sunsama to add to this calendar
Yash Chavan
Related idea from Jason: "If there were a visible reminder in the calendar column to the right (e.g. a gray checkmark icon or similar) to remind me which events I have added as tasks it would be easier to use."
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