Weekly Objective Guided Planning
Kevin Kirkpatrick
As a user, I'd like to have a more deliberate stage/page for guided objective planning so I can be intentional about defining my weekly priorities.
For me, this is a more critical step that requires a slightly different mindset than daily planning, so it's be nice to have it be a different flow. Additionally, I wouldn't mind having it as a weekly planning/retro combo, but I imagine not everyone would like that.
Julie Arsenault
I have a similar request. It would be good to have a guided weekly planning flow. Also, often my weekly objectives are essentially a collection of tasks, so I don't find a 1:1 mapping of weekly objective item to individual task. Being able to use "subtasks" on weekly objectives that become daily tasks would be great. As part of my daily planning flow, it would be great to have a question like, "what could you do today / do you need to do today to stay on track / accomplish your weekly objective?". Even though I use a weekly planning process, I haven't been doing it in Sunsama because the weekly objective features don't map well to my process.
Spencer Kerber
Same! I'd like this type of feature as well. I really want to know that my week was successful / failed, and how my work was orientated towards or away from that target. =]