Mauricio Lima
Tick Tick pleaseeeeee
Carol Brown
Please! Another vote for TickTick integration!!! I know you think with Zapier we should be able to connect everything BUT I've worked multiple times over several years with various apps, and at best, a zap works once and never again. I'm not wasting any more time on that and certainly not spending money on that broken service. Please, you can do it!!! We beg you!!!
Kathy Keats
Adding another vote for TickTick. I use TickTick for my bigger organizing but use Sunsama to help me focus and prioritize and keep me on track to avoid the overwhelm. PLEASE! This would be perfect.
Please! TickTick is key to my everyday.
This has been on here for 5 years?! I feel foolish for even trying but honestly it would be so amazing to have this integration.
Susan Blizzard
please integrate ticktick
I tried out Sunsama and loved it but it is not efficient for long term task tracking, therefore I switched back to TickTick. An integration would bring me back. I periodically check to see if there is an integration or more effective long term task tracking. Something that would also fix this is if you could assign only a sub task to a specific time/goal. Then I could make a long term task with many subtasks.
I agree
Olivia Sem
Azaandam Im in the same boat
Emery Olson
Oof, the request for this integration has been here since 2019? Seems unlikely at this point, but I'll add my vote as well in hopes that someone out there will reconsider. Or just honestly say it's not going to happen.
Marrz Lundquist
Ashutosh Priyadarshy why hasn't this happened yet? I REALLY WANT TICK TICK SO BAD. I am trying out sunsama after using tick tick for a year. Just being real, the tick tick mobile app is amazing, and their desktop app is great too. Asana seems so amazing on the desktop. If you have me the ability to intertwine both, me paying for the year wouldn't even be a question. I'd do it.
I know quite a number of people using Ticktick that really want to use Sunsama aswel. I had to transfer everything over to Todoist but that is just a lot less user friendly
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