I know quite a number of people using Ticktick that really want to use Sunsama aswel. I had to transfer everything over to Todoist but that is just a lot less user friendly
Nasrullah Rslan
adding my vote, there is almost no platform supporting ticktick at this moment and I really hope to see it on sunsama
Maxwell Goodman
I NEED this feature! I have duplicate to-do lists in TickTick and Todoist right now just so I can integrate with Sunsama and my team's system. It's a major source of confusion and follow-through failure.
Susan S Blizzard
Tick tick integration needed!
Yuri Yuri
TickTick please
Jesse Alvarado
im planning to test sunsama with the 2 week trial in april, and plan to migrate ticktick tasks to todoist for this time period (my ticktick premium expires then).
im hoping Todoist + Sunsama will fill in all the feature gaps, but a few features like mac widgets, global shortcuts for sticky notes, and existing workflows in make (such as my smart home devices) has me worried about switching to todoist just for this.
I tested ticktick and todoist back in 2021, and at the time I chose ticktick because todoist didnt have extra section for descriptive notes, it did not have a calendar view, and I remember having trouble sharing lists with others, and at that time it was more expensive than ticktick ( this is no longer concern, after all since im considering sunsama). Also, im a fan of how ticktick lays out their UI compared to todoist.
I havnt checked todoist fully yet, but seems like some or all of these concerns are now gone, so fingers crossed that this trial period goes smoothly.
But I would have loved to see ticktick integration as this kind of concern would completely disappear and probably have much more confidence to switch to sunsama.
Vic Rod
The only thing missing from sunsama is a Tick Tick integration. I use tick tick for tasks & projects. Sunsama I use to plan the time I have to do those tasks. PLEASE INTEGRATE and my productivity will boost!
Lys Lys
Please integrate TickTick and I will subscribe
Serkant Türemiş
Sill waiting for the TickTick integration…
Jenily Silva
it would make my life easier to have this integration
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