Pomodoro timer
Travis Meyer
With the official launch of "break reminders" this week (https://roadmap.sunsama.com/changelog/reminders-to-take-breaks), we are now closing this request as completed.
Thanks to everyone who voted on this, and shared your feedback!
If there are things you'd still like to see added/improved about the new pomodoro timer functionality, please create or upvote a feature request for it.
Some open requests mentioned in this thread:
- Option for ticking sound while timer is running (https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/option-for-ticking-sound-during-task-timer-or-pomodoro-timer)
- Reminder to take a break sound should be harder to miss (https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/timer-sound-should-be-heard-if-other-sounds-are-playing)
- Reminder to take a break visual should be harder to miss (https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/break-reminder-should-be-more-visually-prominent)
Thanks again. Hope everyone is remembering to fit more breaks into their day now.
Maveric Real
Thank you for doing this work Travis Meyer!
One more here : )
Enhanced Notification Request for Pomodoro Timer
Chelsea Nicole Hansen
I see there's a lot of other requests for a clock / ticking sound and just wanted to add that this is my top request... I love Sunsama, but this is the one thing that's lacking. It would make such a huge difference for those with ADD, or really anyone that struggles with staying focused. The clock sound is the perfect subtle reminder that the Pomodoro is ending soon and to stay on task. Please consider adding this option for those of us who need it. 🙏🏻
Travis Meyer
Chelsea Nicole Hansen: for now it's a less popular request, but we'll be monitoring the feature request (https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/option-for-ticking-sound-during-task-timer-or-pomodoro-timer) we have open for this, and if it gets more traction, we will look into adding the ticking sound you requested!
Magalie Derhille
Pomodoro Timer Feedback :
If a Task time estimate is less than the default Pomodoro Timer, I would love to have the remaining time and session time reverting to the Task estimates. This would help me to gauge better if my estimates are precise or not
Magalie Derhille
I saw "notification sounds" and I'm thrilled about that !
Would it be a ticking sound during the pomodoro timer ?
I have ADHD, and I NEED a ticking sound to remind me I'm working, if not, my mind starts wandering and this is disastrous for my time billing (I'm a freelancer, charging by the hour)
Chelsea Nicole Hansen
Magalie Derhille: yes please! I second this!! 👆👆👆 My top request is to add a ticking / clock sound to help motivate me to stay focused in the middle of my Pomodoro!
Travis Meyer
Magalie Derhille: I've added your vote to the feature request we've got open for a ticking sound while the focus timer is running here: https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/option-for-ticking-sound-during-task-timer-or-pomodoro-timer. Thanks for the suggestion!
Sri M
love the +5 -5 min arrows and general minimalistic view. It fits perfectly with the rest and makes me want to use that feature. The emojis that come when it rings to 0 is a bit jarring since it is sort of not the same style as the UI. Though I love the options it gives.
Edit: After spending a few days using this, I actually like the emojis. The special after pomo options are great as I said earlier. Overall, amazing feature, thanks guys!
Eric Kim
I wish pomodoro timer let me know its break time and end of break time via my Iphone.
Juan Pablo Gil Galindo
Hi, I was testing this great feature for studying, so in order to use Susama feature a look at the time, I had to adjust the windows, can it posible to have like a minimized view of the timer like when we watch a movie in a small screen while working in another program.
Travis Meyer
Juan Pablo Gil Galindo: if you download the desktop app (https://sunsama.com/desktop), you'll see a floating bar that shows you the task you're currently focused on, and how long you've been timing it.
More info here: https://help.sunsama.com/docs/focus-bar
Eric Kassel
Toggl track has a great pomodoro implementation on mobile. The timer can go full-screen. I often keep my phone next to my workspace with the pomo timer running, which is a great way to keep it top of mind without it getting in the way on my desktop. Would love to see this feature considered for the mobile app. An Apple Watch app would be nice as well, with the ability to start/stop timers from the watch.
Travis Meyer
Eric Kassel: Thanks for the suggestion and specific example of a product you've found that does this well. We haven't had the bandwidth the build a nicely polished focus mode in mobile yet, but it's something we hope to in the future.
Lyss Vee
I am currently using the beta version of the pomodoro timer. An option to include a loud sound or import our own sound would be crucial. Otherwise, this timer is not useful. Furthermore, the current sound provided by sunsama when the set time is reached is too quiet and easily ignored. Please make a change to the notification sounds! 🥺
Travis Meyer
Lyss Vee: Thanks for the suggestion. We'll keep an eye on the feature request that's open for this https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/timer-sound-should-be-heard-if-other-sounds-are-playing.
If it picks up steam, we'll look into how we can make it easier for you to not miss the reminder notifications!
Lachlan Tetlow-Stuart
I use Flow's Pomodoro timer, which covers the entire screen during breaks, ensuring I don't miss them. I'd appreciate a similar feature in Sunsama's timer.
Travis Meyer
Lachlan Tetlow-Stuart: Thanks for the suggestion, I've created a new feature request for this: https://roadmap.sunsama.com/improvements/p/break-reminder-should-be-more-visually-prominent
If it becomes a popular request we'll look into how we can make the reminder to take a break more visually prominent as you requested.
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