Weekly Goals + Reflection
Jeremy Marcelo
As part of an engineering team, we had a scrumboard that overlooked our entire quarter, that could then be subdivided into months, weeks and then days.
It'd be awesome to have something similar - such as a "Weekly Objectives" section that keeps track of objectives specific to a week, and similarly to months, quarters and years. Likewise, the ability to reflect on a more macro scale - over an entire month, quarter, or year would be nice for long term planning and evaluation.
Travis Meyer
Since weekly objectives are now fully built out in Sunsama, we now have separate feature requests for monthly and yearly objectives.
If you'd like to be able to set monthly objectives, upvote here
If you'd like to be able to set yearly objectives, upvote here
Pavel Shapel
Travis Meyer: First of all, thanks for such great functionality. Do you have plans to add a description for Weekly Objectives?
Sometimes it is too hard to provide the full context of the weekly objective only in the title. Therefore, providing more context of the objective in the description would be nice.
Travis Meyer
There is now a guided ritual for planning your week in Sunsama.
Weekly planning is intended to help you do one thing: set your objectives for the week ahead.
If you have objectives from the prior week you want to continue working on, the weekly planning ritual allows you to do just that.
If you prefer to reflect on the previous week, and plan the next week, all in one sitting, you can combine the weekly planning ritual with the weekly review ritual from your account settings page.
What the weekly planning flow doesn't do is allow you to fill in your tasks and events for every single day of the week in advance. This is a practice we don't encourage, since it often leads to feeling crushed if you fall behind early in the week.
For a more in-depth look at the new ritual, here's a video walkthrough: https://www.loom.com/share/02fa539db8ee4853bed9f5ce762bb15e
PS With weekly objectives, weekly planning, and weekly review now all fully built out, we will likely mark this feature request as closed. Separate requests will be opened for monthly and quarterly objectives. We'll include links to those feature requests once we close this out so you can vote on any longer time frame objectives you'd still like to see built.
Ben R
Travis Meyer: Awesome job on this feature!!!! Love the full week look back and objectives.
Daniel Mosedale
Love the weekly goals. It'd be wonderful if I could see them and how far I got at review time.
Piotr Koprowski
I would love to have an option for customized Weekly reflection questions
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Ashutosh Priyadarshy
Travis Meyer
UPDATE: You can now set weekly objectives, and reflect on those objectives when you're planning your day.
Objectives have a similar look and feel to tasks, but serve a slightly different purpose. Your objectives should define your priorities for the week. You might have only a single objective for a week, but many tasks that relate to that objective.
At the start of the week, spend a few minutes deciding what your priorities are for the week ahead.
During your daily planning, review your objectives. If you see one you want to work on, you can drag it in as a task. Your objectives should help ground your choices about how to spend your time.
The purple bullseyes on your task cards show which tasks are your most important ones that link back to your objectives.
Unlike tasks, weekly objectives don't roll over. Each week you start with a blank slate. This way, your objectives are never stale.
In the coming weeks, we'll be adding guided rituals for planning and reflecting on your week that build on these weekly objectives.
PS We will be saving longer term intervals (monthly/quarterly/yearly) for later.
Gabriel Simmons
Travis Meyer: Can we align meetings with objectives?
Travis Meyer
Gabriel Simmons: Not yet! I'll add that to my running list of improvements to make. Thanks for the suggestion!
Gabriel Simmons
Travis Meyer: Awesome, glad I didn't just miss something in the UI!
Jeff Tang
Travis Meyer: Do you think it makes sense to add a setting for adding the Objectives to the auto-generated Daily Planning for Monday's?
Travis Meyer
Gabriel Simmons: You can now align objectives with meetings. You just need to:
- Make sure you've added the meeting to your task list
- Open up the meeting
- Click the '...' button in the top right, or use the keyboard shortcut 'R' to align the meeting with an objective!
Travis Meyer
Jeff Tang: Good suggestion! We haven't considered this before, but I agree it does seem like a natural fit here. We'll consider adding this in a future iteration.
Bruno Bernardino
Bruno Bernardino
in progress
Matt Amick
Yes, this would be a game changer!
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