User Story: The goal is having an all-in-one tool with the ability to everything -- this use case is for full-on email functionality to draft/send/forward emails as well. This would basically give this an email client functionality, but it's the only part holding me back from fully switching to Sunsama from a brower's gmail/gcalendar (which I have constantly opened as "pins" on Google Chrome). This theme would be appicable to GCalendar or any other tool/integration as well. As a user, I want to do away with multiple tabs on my browser and use a single-source for everything -- without these enhancements, I'm left with going back to the norm to execute email communicatoin and can see myself slowly moving away from Sunsama. Requirements: Add all basic Gmail features when clicking into an email -- e.g., existing options within Sunsama are the following: Open in Gmail, Archive, Move to Trash, Mark as Unread. Request to add actions: Add Label, Move To, Snooze. Less important (but still useful): Filters, Report Spam Email "client" requested features: reply/all, forward, draft